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Between Treacherous Objects
All objects, commercial creatures or manufactured mechanisms, are connected. Between what is bought or stolen, flown or born is a space, an internal architecture of moving structures, living depths. Between Treacherous Objects builds these connecting tissues via interactive, nearly three dimensional net spaces. Exploration of those digital distances yields propaganda and secrets, spatial poetics in lines and brimming shapes. A culture of the flat screen built to mouse swim inside. There is an expectation of flatness on the web, of slight depths and leaping hypertexts. A link is the link for trees, branching connections between ideas. Between Treacherous Objects exists within the monitor. Holds the user to flying or avoidance, and creates a community of deep architectures. These structures are meant to be alive to attach ideas as objects together. And without the user’s movement the artwork disappears into itself, a falling tissue, the torn tendons image semantics. And the titles, with their Broadway pronouncements, create a pageantry, small billboards announcing the obvious and the vaguely associated. And once the user uncovers these internal architectures, these consumer forms, they can reveal more movement in password arrived videos. These superimposed clips are an additional layer to the consumerisms that tie western culture. They are fifties propaganda created to control and admire, to teach the need to not learn beyond the message. And similarly one cannot uncover specific connections between these culturally powerful matters, items and ideas. Connecting these objects is a subconscious and ephemeral notion, one that must be felt through the mouse.
Link to this project

Author: Jason Nelson, Australia, 26.01 19:40

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