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Dominik Rinnhofer nimmt Bezug auf unseren diesjährigen Trailer:

crash Noun 1. a collision involving a vehicle or vehicles 2. a sudden descent of an aircraft as a result of which it crashes 3. a sudden loud noise 4. a breaking and falling to pieces 5. the sudden collapse of a business or stock exchange Verb 1. to cause (a vehicle or aircraft) to collide with another vehicle, the ground, or some other object or (of vehicles or aircraft) to be involved in a collision 2. to make or cause to make a loud smashing noise 3. to drop with force and break into pieces with a loud noise 4. to break or smash into pieces with a loud noise 5. (of a business or stock exchange) to collapse or fail suddenly 6. to move violently or noisily 7. (of a computer system or program) to fail suddenly because of a malfunction 8. Brit & Austral informal to gate-crash Adjective requiring or using great effort in order to achieve results quickly: a crash course [probably Middle English crasen to smash + dasshen to strike]
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Autor/in: dominik rinnhofer, deutschland, 19.09 14:10
szenograf, medienkünstler, mache interaktive installationen, bühnenbilder etc.
> ein screenshot vom 27.02.09 zeigt die livecam aus der frankfurter börse. lange bevor euer trailer publik war :) - dorneo
> das ist das richtige leben, nicht so virtuelles zeugs!